The BLS for the Healthcare Provider course is designed for a wide variety of healthcare professionals. This class provides the ability to recognize several life-threatening emergencies, administer CPR, use an AED, and relieve a person who is choking in a timely and effective manner. The BLS for the Healthcare Provider course is appropriate for any person entering the healthcare field (or students) or is currently a healthcare professional.
The Heartsaver First Aid, CPR, AED program is a classroom, video based, instructor led course that teaches students critical skills needed to respond to and manage the first few minutes of a medical emergency. This course is appropriate for non-healthcare professions who may need to provide first aid, CPR and use an AED in several settings. (I.e. workplace, youth sports, camps, daycares, construction sites etc..)
Course offerings:
In this course, students will learn proper bleeding control techniques utilizing tourniquets, gauze, direct pressure, and hemostatic agents. Knowledge of bleeding control techniques is important for anyone including parents, teachers, and healthcare professionals.
South Baldwin Volunteer Fire Company
5311 McAnulty Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15236
None currently scheduled, check back later. Hands on appointments for online classes are always available.